It is about anarchy. It is about Raddick. Raddick lives inside a machine and he watches anarchy take shape. He is disabled but he has a walk about and a girlfriend. It is about a world on the brink of rebirth and collapse. A rewrite is in effect a reboot is in the workings. The streets look alot like they do in the states. Homeless. Drugs. Mess. Crime. Disorder. Anarchy. Its hard to find the right question to ask to reopen this world and bring about change. Biogenesis. Rebirth. Change. Its not here, its not ascension. Its reclaimation. Its reinvention.


Raddick watches from inside his machine.

He watches the action on the streets - "Thats good, thats healthy. Rebel against the perfect state. Rebel against perfection against ascension. Its still alive." "It hasnt been killed under your insufferable degradation your mockery, and your impotent claims. The illigitimate claim still exists under all its profane torment and against the insidious crimes of those that seek only to reduce it to nothing" "The earth still remains a right of existence in a world of persistence and ascension..." "...Greed and self adulation" They stay in the shadows.They live at night.They are seldom seen except in the dreams Raddick has when he removes his mask. The night crawlers - half human half animal half ghost. Living inside the perpetual twilight between realitys. Raddicks cigar's orange glow briefly illuminated his vid array his head gear ran a stocky cable into the screen enabling him to watch everything everywhere using the most recent wormhole technology being deveoped at syndcorps secret moon facility. He'd breached several of the nasa protocols that hid much of what used to be reffered to as dark matter and had now become simply dark arts - masked endevours hidden behind an iron curtain of safety protocols and national security. Syndcorp was coming back - gunning for one of its own. Syndcorp was searching for Raddick. The night crawlers had been natures answer to the dark web - the new world that was only just becoming. Nature had got there first. Raddick could see it but could he feel it, no - he had elected to stay within the confines of his domicile. Safe ..for now. Raddick was a hacker and an anarchist.But he was being watched from afar. Many minds had begun to pay attention to his concerns and he didnt like that one bit. "Time to move out." he hollared back down the tunnel that connected his machine room with that of his living quarters. His dog Mackay suddenly became attentive. "This ones going to have to sleep for a while theyve penetrated the shield its down to fifty percent it needs time to heal." As sound of static came back over the cb. "Hello are you there?" "Yeah sugar Im here, ok so when will I see you." "Probably aiming for tommorow evening - weather permitting." "Ok then see you then." Raddick opened the hatchway to the underground crypt into the cool shade of a spacious and tall forested area.The door was made of steel and mad a clang when it hit the concrete floor outside. Mackay - a rather slim yet nimble german shepherd with traditional markings jumped into the wooded area looked about and then casually began to walk into the woods a little. He knew that it would take Raddick a good 5 minutes to lift himself onto his walker and lock up the crypt. By the time Raddick was in his walker the dog was nearing the partially concealed footpath that led inexorably to the exit and out onto the rubble strewen and deserted freeway which led southbound to rockford illinois. 'No traffic tonight boy' Raddick followed the dog out onto the freeway the sun was low in the sky which meant they needed to hurry. Raddicks walker was fast enough. Its artifical musculature would mean that he could cover the necessary ground to the bike before sun down. He had concealed the bike underneath an portion of the freeway that had been a utility station sunken beneath an overpass. Mackay sniffed around for anything worth eating and Raddick threw him a bone which he began to gnaw over while Raddick connected himself to the bike - a state of the art , one of its kind fully mechanised motorbike. After the collapse all modes of engine operated machinary became defunct for two reasons - lack of fuel as all fuel had become converted into an inert substance known as plethor and lack of charge because all electrical storage devices had to remain fixed or they would become volatile due to the emp storms that raged throughout.Building a crypt had been the only way to run Raddicks Dark net. And Raddick had become quite good at building them.This one was his fifth. The motorbike had a room on the back for Mackay and he automatically jumped in. Raddick had removed his walker and was now attaching his lower torso to the motorbike which connected itself via a number of cables to his body. He pulled down the visor of his helmet and began to access the dark net protocols which in turn began the referential charging process of the giant kasimir coil that sat directly beneath him. It whirred noisily until it reached a high enough level of dark plasma and then the bike began to make its ascent. Raddick looked around at the rainbow like spectral textures that showed reality as it truly was behind its dark veil - now illuminted all thanks to Syndcorp. Ah yes Syndcorp. Where were they? The bike tore a hole in reality as Raddick burnt steadily through his reserve of Dark energy that he'd been accumulating in this quadarant. The tree tops were pulled momentarily into the bikes gravity vortex as the bike roared down the freeway - 20 foot up in the air and heading due north towards rockford. "Raddick its me, did you get your bike up?" "Yes thankyou sweetheart we are now on our way, be with you in zero-two thirty, anything cooking?" "Nope rockford is dead as ever." "Hell there could be a blackhole on the other side and you'd just be sitting there smoking your pipe."

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